Thursday, April 20, 2023

final script

 Atalaya and Alena Mafia

Sofia has been bullied into going to the club with her university friends she's very shy and loves focusing on her studies however Maria is very seductive and loves to party and Jessy is her best friend. Sofia gets approached by a man that wants to buy them drinks Maria instantly starts flirting with him and goes to his car. When Jessy comes out the bathroom she asks where Maria is and both of them go to the carpark and approach his car.

   setting: in a club loud music playing

(Sofia gets approached by a handsome man while she's dancing with her friends Maria and Jessy)

Mafia: "Can I get you and your friends a drink"

Sofia: "I don't drink and were not interested"

(Maria steps in and starts flirting with the Mafia while Sofia looks uncomfortable and moves away from him)

Maria: "I'd like a drink" seductive tone.

Sofia:(whispers in Maria ear)"I have a weird feeling about him" as she stares into his eyes while he smirks at her

Mafia: "I'm gonna to head to my car real quick I'll be back"

Maria: "I can come with you"

(Maria and Mafia exists towards car park

15 minutes later...

(Jessy exits the bathroom looking like a drunk mess)

Jessy:" where Marua"(too drunk to barely walk or talk)

Sofia: "Maria decided to go to some car park with this dodgy guy" rolls her eyes

(Jessy leaning onto Sofia heads towards the car park)

Car parks pitch Jessy still leaning onto Sofia while Sofia frantically tries looking and shouting Maria name and looking through the windows of the cars, she sees Maria necklace and her face turns pale.

Sofia: "Jessy shh we need to leave and call the cops"

Jessy: (loud and drunk)"what are you on about? she's probably fucking him you are being dramatic!"

 ( both of them see his car and her body being dragged)

Jessy:(dramatically crying) what if she's dead?

Sofia: "shut the fuck up and stop crying he's gonna see us, we'll call the cops I promise you she's not dead"

( as Sofia and Jessy are running the Mafia sneaks from behind and hits them with a bat he drags their bodies to his car)

Jessy(in the boot of his car) screaming "LET US OUT OF HERE!", "THE COPS ARE COMING DICKHEAD"

(soon after Jessy passes out and Sofia is just laying on Maria body)

The Mafia had been driving in his car for about half an hour he was playing sinister music to block out the noise, 10 minutes near the house Sofia wakes up and is trying to look at signs and posters for escape the Mafia from his mirror sees that and stops the car.

(Mafia getting out his car and opening the boot Sofia tries to fake sleep)

Mafia: "I saw that you know"

(pulls out a pocket knife and grabs Sofia hair, she opens her eyes)

Mafia: "If you try anything again I'm going to slit your throat, do you understand?"

Sophia: "what kind of sick bastard kidnaps girls?"

Mafia: (starts laughing) what kind of bitch goes to a stranger car?next time make sure your friend doesn't do that again... if you get the chance

(pulls tape from behind her, lets go of her hair and tapes her mouth Sofia tries to resist though)

Mafia: "I know your smart enough not to get yourself killed"

(Sofia leans her head back while starring at the Mafia as he closes the boot and gets back into his car to play his sinister music again)

Monday, April 17, 2023

written synopsis

Section One: Content

In my story Mafia, a Mafia leader with mental health issues loves to kidnap females and force them to determine whether they live or die. They are stuck in his mansion trying to figure out which of the women is the mafia with the mafia leader himself and face obstacles of being killed or backstabbed. Only one survivor lasts in my thriller, and she figures out who the imposter is out of the females. Sofia is 19-year-old yoga instructor and she got kidnapped when she was walking home, she's the first victim her throat gets cut when she enters a room thinking she was safe. Maria 19-year-old is a university student that got seduced by him when she was at a club, he took her to his car and kidnapped her, she disappears mysteriously. Jessy was Maria's best friend, and she went looking after and gets shot in the process (Maria doesn't know this). Linda is a 22-year-old kindergarten teacher that thought she was going on a blind date however she gets kidnapped stabbed by the Mafia man himself.  Mabel 23-year-old had been his girlfriend for 6 months, and he supposedly switched on her and made her play his game.

Section Two: Narrative

potential client questions

 1.  Where the girls scared when they got kidnaped? 2.How many girls has he killed? 3.When did he start kidnapping these girls? 4.How old ar...