Tuesday, May 23, 2023

focus group feedback

 In the beginning I am introducing my thriller film idea to my focus group and giving a mini introduction. 1:07 minutes into the video people are already asking questions 

Thursday, May 4, 2023

initial ideas video



focus group


focus group questions 

  • what do you like about our thriller film?
  • anything you don't like about our thriller film?
  • do you have any recommendations for our thriller film?
  • do you think our thriller film being filmed in a house is appropriate?
  • would you watch our thriller film?
  • what should our characters wear?
  • how can we make our protagonist act more psychotic?
  • are there any changes you think we should make?
  • do you think it fits the age group?
  • are there any changes we should make?

potential client questions

 1.  Where the girls scared when they got kidnaped? 2.How many girls has he killed? 3.When did he start kidnapping these girls? 4.How old ar...