Monday, February 6, 2023

analysis of themes in thrillers

 the black phone: thriller themes

  • psychological
  • crime
  • investigation


This is one of the key themes in this movie it shows us this through the characters. The first character we explore this theme would be the alcoholic dad he became that way as the mother of his two children (Finn, Gwen) decided to commit suicide he ended up losing his mind and dignity and becomes abusive also shouts at his children for reminding him of his wife. The second would be the wife as clearly, she was going through it and the serial killer who kidnapped and manipulated little boys into believing they would live if they played his game.

The audience will feel for the children and the father as they lost their mum due to her mental health, they may see the father as a bad person as this leaded him to being abusive and watching the children cry and scream may be emotional for the audience. They will also feel emotional for the smiled of the dead missing boys and for the boys themselves who had to die brutally as a result of the serial killer game.

When I decide to create my thriller film, I will include this theme by making one of my characters crazy and having a messed up mental health.


This is a second theme that is used frequently as is crime. This is shown at the beginning when we see all the missing boys and when Finn friend Lin goes missing, we explore this theme throughout and when Finn starts getting calls from the dead missing boys and each of them uncover more about the serial killer as time goes by.

The audience again will feel hurt for the parents and the children who had to die due to this man as they have may have kids of their own or generally feel concern and emotional in this situation, your generations such as teenagers might be scared as they might think this could happen to them.

If I decide to add crime in my thriller film one of my characters might go missing or get killed and this could be a storyline for my film.


 This is the last most common theme in my chosen thriller film, all three of the themes I chose go hand in hand as for crime little boys are being kidnapped and murdered which leads to my theme investigation as the police and parents try and investigate and look into what happened and lastly the theme psychological has to do with the 
characters how they are mentally and the killer himself. Before Linn goes missing there were already two, he becomes the third when the Finn goes missing, we see the police investigate his sister who also tries to through her dreams the killer brother who somewhat worked in the department also investigates however in the end his brother kills him for finding out.

These investigations and missing boys keep the audience intrigued as to whether we will find them, who's next and whether or not their dead it draws put their imaginations and sets their focus more to the movie. During along the process of trying to find out they might be sad, scared etc.

Because all my themes are linked if I was to involve crime in my thriller film it would automatically lead to an investigation and for phycological it depends on my characters.

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