Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Response to the client brief

 explanation of demographics 

The information that I have about my audience is that this thriller film is aimed towards 16–24-year-olds. I might include in my thriller film a psychopath. This will appeal to the audience as it's something that many people in this age range find interesting and are drawn to. The advantages there are to making my thriller for this audience is that I know that people of this age range will want to watch this film and be interested in it also. The challenges that I foresee making my thriller for this audiences are not to make it like every other film as there's many thrillers which includes a psychopath and have the same or if not similar storyline. This will be a challenge as I need to make my film standout/be unique than all the other thriller films that include a psychopath.


The thriller conventions that will have to include in my work is murders/deaths as well as violence. I might include each convention by for murders is having a psychopath on the loose going around and murdering people. I will include violence by the victims try to get away from the psychopath or the psychopath trying to catch and run after his victims which may possibly lead to them getting injured. Another convention that will include is crime, this is because in the film that I'm creating is a crime thriller which is a major part of the film.

Industry requirements

The media organisation I've chosen to produce my thriller film would be Netflix as they are the second largest entertainment company it has published millions of their own and other organisation such as Disney. It started in 1997 by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph in California, it's a worldwide media company everyone from around the world can go on it. One advantage of working with this company is they have made many famous actors and movies go famous they are a well-known media for getting people to watch I believe I can use this to my advantage and publish my film, a disadvantage would be that my film won't be able to get published in certain countries also the age range will change for them. BBFC would put my target audience as 15-24 because in the UK there is no 16.


My medium will have Netflix text as they are the ones, I've chosen to produce my thriller film.

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potential client questions

 1.  Where the girls scared when they got kidnaped? 2.How many girls has he killed? 3.When did he start kidnapping these girls? 4.How old ar...